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Sarah ( Yan) Zhang
Masters in Piano Performance from APU, California.
Judge for multiple international piano/music competitions.
Organizer of multiple exams/competitions/festivals.
She has been awarded by the American Protege International Piano and String Competition" for her "extraordinary dedication and achievement in the field of teaching music and presenting students to perform at Carnegie Hall". She has received Excellent Teacher Awards from Pacific Starts, the Royal International piano, and other competitions.
With years of teaching experience in public and private schools, Ms. Zhang has received recognition due to her many years of contribution in education.
Judge for multiple international piano/music competitions.
Organizer of multiple exams/competitions/festivals.
She has been awarded by the American Protege International Piano and String Competition" for her "extraordinary dedication and achievement in the field of teaching music and presenting students to perform at Carnegie Hall". She has received Excellent Teacher Awards from Pacific Starts, the Royal International piano, and other competitions.
With years of teaching experience in public and private schools, Ms. Zhang has received recognition due to her many years of contribution in education.
音樂老師 音樂老師 畢業於合唱指揮和作曲雙碩士學位,學習吉他 12 年,唱歌 11 年,彈鋼琴 9 年。歌劇。作為作曲家,我贏得了無數比賽。我的作品《飛行員》在河濱愛樂樂團的馬格農比賽中獲得第二名。
富勒頓大學音樂系副教授 Cristina 是來自加利福尼亞州奧蘭治縣的鋼琴家和作曲家。她擁有 CSULB 的音樂作曲碩士學位和 UCSB 的音樂作曲學士學位。她目前作為富勒頓學院的兼職教授教授理論、音樂和音樂技術課程,以及鋼琴和作曲的私人課程。她的作品已在全國和國際上首演。
音樂老師 音樂老師 Briana 老師在加州 UCI 獲得了聲樂表演碩士學位和學士學位。她在 5 部歌劇中擔任主角,與著名的合唱團合作,如太平洋合唱團和加州沙漠合唱團。她甚至在著名的電視節目中以女演員的身份出現。她的視頻已被著名女高音天使藍、麥卡勒姆劇院和劇院 29 分享。她還教音樂 13 年,喜歡與所有年齡和經驗水平的人分享音樂。
Cynthia 目前是麻省理工學院計算機科學專業的本科生。她教授在線競技數學,例如 AMC 系列、MathCounts 等。她曾是我校的鋼琴學生,在我校老師莎拉的指導下,多次在國際頂級鋼琴比賽中獲獎。她贏得了許多數學比賽,並且是美國數學奧林匹克競賽(全國前 250 名)和北美計算語言學奧林匹克競賽(全國前 100 名)的預選賽選手。
西班牙語老師 西語老師 我叫華雷斯,我在墨西哥出生和長大,20 年前移民到美國。我擁有社會行為科學、文科和社區社會服務藝術的副學士學位。我擁有加州州立大學富勒頓分校的人類服務學士學位。我計劃返回學校攻讀教育碩士學位。
Ms. Dani
Bachelors in Dance Performance at Southeast Missouri State University.
Dance instructor at Sol Dance Center, New York from 2007 to 2020.
Dance Instructor at STREB, New York from 2007- 2018.
Dance Instructor at StarQuest Dance-Nationally from 2020 to Present.
Ms. Dani is an artist and a certified educator with a passion for teaching, verbal and non-verbal communication. Her highest priority is to develop personal connections with students and their families.
Dance instructor at Sol Dance Center, New York from 2007 to 2020.
Dance Instructor at STREB, New York from 2007- 2018.
Dance Instructor at StarQuest Dance-Nationally from 2020 to Present.
Ms. Dani is an artist and a certified educator with a passion for teaching, verbal and non-verbal communication. Her highest priority is to develop personal connections with students and their families.
Music Teacher 音樂老師 Teacher Sara 目前就讀於加州大學爾灣分校,師從 Jerzy Kosmala 博士,主修中提琴表演專業。莎拉 3 歲開始在洛杉磯市中心的科爾本表演藝術學院接受音樂教育,並完成了鈴木小提琴系列。她曾在全國各地旅行,以擴大她的學習範圍,併計劃將她的演奏提升到國際水平。莎拉有小提琴到中提琴過渡的經驗,並且精通兩種樂器。
數學老師 數學老師 Joseph 老師擁有 CSU Long Beach 的數學單科證書。他住在爾灣,目前在列剋星敦初中教書。他致力於創造一種鼓勵學生學習數學概念的學習氛圍。非常擅長確定學生的優勢和劣勢,並據此制定課程計劃。約瑟夫老師教所有級別的學生,從小學到高中。他還指導數學競賽,例如 AMC。
Mr. Anthony
Vocal teaching
Mr Anthony graduated from California Baptist University with both Bachelor and Master degrees in vocal performance声乐硕士. As a passionate vocal artist, Anthony frequently participates in public performance, private events, and charity events. 频繁参加演出和慈善活动Moreover, Anthony is a patient, caring, and skillful teacher with a lot of teaching experience for children of all age. 教学经验丰富,从幼儿到成人,均可授课。
Mr Anthony graduated from California Baptist University with both Bachelor and Master degrees in vocal performance声乐硕士. As a passionate vocal artist, Anthony frequently participates in public performance, private events, and charity events. 频繁参加演出和慈善活动Moreover, Anthony is a patient, caring, and skillful teacher with a lot of teaching experience for children of all age. 教学经验丰富,从幼儿到成人,均可授课。
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